This is the Unique and Only program that helps:
- Learning in business simulation
- Experience form practical application
- High interactive competition and collaboration
Modern and Scientific Methodology
- Education plus entertainment
- Consulting application to company practice
- Easy to understand and last long in the memory
Practical Effectiveness
- Total cost saving effectiveness
- Application in a real situation
- Return on Investment
Introduction to Business Game Simulation
The business game simulation includes 4-6 companies in a highly competitive segment. In the environment of super inflation, high-interest rate, and decreasing market share, companies have to know how to be dynamic and change fast to survive and grow. In such an environment, companies need to make efficient in their total cost programs such as supply chain, operation, production sales…to maximize the ROA and ROE.
1. Information
Participants know to get right and useful information.
2. Collaboration
Participants understand why they need to collaborate with other divisions to plan and execute company strategy.
3. Application
Participants know how to apply experience and knowledge in business decisions.
4. “A ha!”
Through different business situations, participants know how to coordinate and change to be successful. From that point, Aha! will happen.
5. Roles
Participants understand their role and their contributions to the company’s success.
6. Action
Participants who are motivated by the information, process, and understanding will want to turn this energy into real action.
- To realize the cost managing program is from each and everyone’s job.
- To know and use easily all key financial terms.
- To know and make easily the P&L and Balance Sheet.
- To know the meaning of liabilities and how to maximize the asset and profit.
- To understand and be able to analyze to maximize the financial KPIs such as ROA, ROE, sales days outstanding, working capital turnover.
- To predict the risk when companies growing.
- To get “buy-in” among the functional divisions.
- To get ideas of optimizing resources and to execute successfully the cost management program.
- Managers, Directors, CEOs, Owners
To register for the workshop, please fill in the form below!