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Team Performance

04/03/2024, 10:31:03

Miki IslandTM

A fun & engaging multi-player game-based learning program

The simulation game to build Agile & High Performing Teams. Miki Island is available for both face-to-face and virtual team building event for up to 500 pax! Highly engaging and fun, the program will allow everyone to have fun while understanding key actions they can take to make your organization successful for the year!

By playing a game with team members and being taken into a fictional environment, learners open themselves up to new possibilities and learnings, letting go of their “default” behavior in the workplace and bringing their true selves to the game.

The game Miki IslandTM has been designed to reflect real-life business challenges that teams face in the workplace. It is based on the Educate, Entertain, Inspire & ApplyTM framework.

Experiential Learning

The Learnings: Transpose the discussion into your everyday work and identify practical learnings for your team

Take actions! Ideate, brainstorm and plan your team action plan

The Experience: Play a highly engaging & fun game.

The Reflection: Reflect on your team’s decisions through a 100% digital, interactive and participant-led.


Material: 100% Digital & Collaborative

Number of participants: 5 -150+ participants

Target group: Cross-functional teams, managers and/or intact teams at all levels

Duration:  4 - 6 hours

Method: Behavior-based Game Learning Design

Why it works?

The teams in Miki Island reflect the teams back @ work:

  • Functional Roles in the team
  • Common vision and shared goals
  • Interdependence of team members
  • Communication, collaboration and feedback
  • Collaborative decision-making to accomplish the goal needed

Learning Outcomes

Inclusive decision making: With the time pressure of times to reach the rescue point, will teams be able to have an inclusive decision-making process, or will this become a one-person show? 

Effective team development: To become more effective, teams will have to develop trust and cooperate effectively to make effective decision-making that will allow them to maximize their performance in the game.

Agile ways of working: With the ever-changing island landscape, your team will have to adjust its strategies and tactics for survival in order to reach the rescue point as fast as possible.

Self-Organized: The team will have to auto-regulate and effectively stop & reflect to become High Performing by the end of the journey!

Miki Island – Application

We engage learners and teams both emotionally and rationally to move from awareness into behavior change and performance improvement.You can use it to meet various business needs:

  • Virtual/F2F/Blended team building event
  • Virtual workshop or conference
  • Team development coaching program
  • Leadership development or enterprise roll-out

The experiment session

Mar 30, 2024, 08:30 – 12:00

At C-Space - 62 Vo Van Tan, Dist.3, HCMC

For more info: Ms. Thuý 0938 152 067 thuy.nguyen@bemind.com.vn

Registering to attend the experiment session:

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