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CELEMI Livon Lite

20/03/2020, 14:34:11


Retain a Steady Customer Base

THE POWER OF THE CUSTOMER – The business simulation Celemi Livon Lite™ helps your people quickly understand the principles of marketing and branding. Through the simulation, you will make it easier for your co-workers to understand your company’s marketing strategy.

The Celemi Livon Lite™ Challenge

At the starting point, four companies are fiercely competing in a narrow segment of the marketplace. There is little differentiation in the market. This has led to a restless customer base – with little loyalty to their respective companies. Teams, and participants, need to decide on how to best use their limited resources on attracting a selection of customers.

Big Issues to Discuss

  • How to attract and retain a steady customer base
  • How to leverage on strengths
  • What type of market profile to go for and how to communicate it

Customers’ perceptions and preferences change as an effect of how they are treated over time. Because of this, it is more or less easy to capture the potential market share.

What Your People Will Learn

During the simulation, teams will assess their performance related to

  • How well they were they able to select a position in the marketplace and hold onto it
  • How well they were able to attract their customers of choice
  • How well they were able to maintain the price level they wanted
  • Whether or not they spent more money than necessary

What the Learnings Can Lead To

  • You easier align your people around the “big picture”
  • Create a deeper understanding of marketing strategy and tactical activities
  • Have your people make better decisions so that they are better prepared to allocate limited marketing resources in a more optimal way to make your co-workers better respond to customer needs and preference
  • Deep understanding of the overall business impact of their decisions.
  • Inspire glocal (local within global) performance

Who Celemi Livon Lite™ is for

  • Communication Managers
  • Strategic Planners and Communicators
  • People responsible for planning and communicating the launch of a new product or service
  • Sales and marketing staff on the corporate, centralized level can become more aware of the challenges on the localized level (and vice versa).
  • Companies facing a merger or acquisition
  • People working with Change management
  • where there is a need to fuse together differing brands and build a shared understanding of the new profile among key employees.
  • Managers of franchise businesses who want to ensure consistent profiling in all locations.
  • Marketing professionals who need to communicate the results of market research and its implications for the future.
  • Salespeople become better attuned to customer targeting, customer behavior and getting their priorities right.
  • Marketing consultancies who offer the seminar as an added educational benefit to their own clients.

Business Issues it Helps Solving

  • Market Positioning
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Brand Mapping
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Image Tracking
  • Budgeting

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