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Art Of Decision Making

09/03/2020, 17:33:57



Thinking about all the problems we face today, have they become so complex that we are unable to find optimal solutions to resolve them? Many problems in our organizations come about as a result of less than stellar decisions made in the past.

There are many questions we need to get the answers to be more effectively:

  • Why couldn’t we solve them and they keep coming back?
  • Are we are only solving the symptoms and not the root cause?
  • Are we using the same tried before strategies to solve these problems?
  • Do we need to generate new ideas and ways of resolving them?


  • Provide leadership to create a culture that supports innovation and creative problem solving
  • Facilitate teams in this problem-solving process to discover and design innovative business solutions
  • Use the innovation problem-solving process to discover new and diverse solutions
  • Select the best solution using criteria that takes into account the feasibility, risk, and impact
  • Implement the optimal solution; analyze the productive impact and make continuous improvements


The program will help participants:

  • Introduction to Innovative Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Principles of creativity and imagination to increase productivity and innovation
  • Creating and nurturing an innovative and creative environment/culture
  • Developing an organizational culture of continuous improvement
  • Promoting and sustaining innovation and enterprise
  • Facilitating innovative problem-solving in Groups/Teams
  • Addressing conflicts and groupthink
  • Innovative problem solving through Design Thinking
  • Choosing a solution using appropriate tools
  • Implementing, evaluating and continuously improving the solution
  • Understanding risk and developing a risk management plan for the solution


This training course will benefit business professionals at all levels that want to improve their problem-solving skills and decision-making skills

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