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Project Management

05/02/2020, 22:39:10



Leading and managing a project successfully requires rigorous discipline, nimble thinking, and proactive planning. This program provides a toolkit that focuses on the five phases of project management - initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing. It provides an overview of the project life cycle specified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and also on the human side of project management.


The program will help participants:

  • Become more effective
  • Improve your productivity
  • Achieve on-time, on-budget results by anticipating problems and reducing risks


In their annual Chaos report, the Standish Group classify projects into 3 categories

  • Successful – projects that delivered on what was promised with regards to Scope, Time and Cost, Challenged – projects that delivered part of the Scope, delivered late or delivered at a cost higher than budgeted and Failed – projects that were abandoned.
  • Statistics show that currently approximately only 30% of IT projects are successfully delivered.
  • Challenged and Failed projects result in Demotivated Team/Staff - Poor Quality - Lower Productivity - Delayed
  • Deliveries - Increased Costs - Impacted Profitability and Unhappy Customers.
  • What are the major causes of Challenged and Failed projects? Poor Project Management, especially in Planning and People Management.
  • A major focus of the program is a Structured Planning Methodology covering the Tools and Techniques that will enable a Project Manager and team to prepare a comprehensive Project Plan.
  • This together with some basics of People Management (which includes Stakeholder Management and Team Management), should help the Project Manager minimize, if not eliminate, many of the causes of Challenged and Failed projects delivering positive outcomes to the Organisation and the Project Manager.


For all levels of leaders/managers.


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